Thursday, November 27, 2008

Go Roxy Go!

I love riding around on Roxy... but, she doesn't like it much. So, now when I get on her back...she won't move. What a smart doggie....

Hey, Dad! I'll run the remote.....

Eating some fruit

I love apples

I have to carry ALL of my crayons around

Mommy caught me coloring on the floor....

Pushing my chair around

Drinkin' a juice box

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My blue tootsie pop

Mom and Dad make me eat suckers in my high chair.... It gets pretty messy.

Macie is my buddy

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Eating my apple and saying hi to Roxy

Scary bat

Trick or Treating

It was my first time trick or treating. I was a bit nervous about the whole thing. I mean, who knew you could knock on someone's door and they would give you candy? Score!

I loved passing out the candy!