Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

AJ and Aunt Cathy

Aunt Cathy came into town for my birthday weekend celebration! We had so much fun together. She got up every morning and made me pancakes....she's the best.

AJ, Poppa and Mom

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Meeting the Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny was funny... he was dancing around, I joined in with him. I also brought him some carrots to eat on his break.

Building a car with Uncle Russ...

Reading with Poppa and Mima

I'm 4 years old now!

AJ had his 4th birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese this weekend. He had a lot of family and friends there to celebrate with him. He had a great time! Thanks to everyone for celebrating with us....

playing a game with mommy

AJ and Daddy