Monday, February 22, 2010

Buzz Lightyear!

AJ watched Toy Story this weekend. He absolutely loved it. We had to go to Target (which he calls the red store) and get him a Buzz lightyear).

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Go faster, Mommy!

AJ thinks that if he puts his hands up, it makes the car go faster!

Jillian and AJ

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Curious George

Curious George came to the local Barnes and Noble and had storytime. My friends Brody and Madie met me there. We had so much fun! I could barely contain myself.... I couldn't sit still and I kept trying to get Brody in trouble by asking him to run up and say hi to Curious George with me. He was too well behaved, but not me....I managed to get into some trouble.

AJ's coffee

AJ likes to have his coffee (hot cocoa) in the mornings. He prefers starbucks.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

AJ's beautiful tent

Mommy and I built this tent... It's not much to look at, but we've been spending quite a bit of our time in it. We color, read books and do art projects inside.
AJ also loves to tell stories inside our tent. His stories are usually about what he did at school that day or how he's planning to beat up monsters. He's quite the little character.....and he is fearless, no doubt about that. Hes tried on numerous occasions to walk across the top of the tent, even though he knows it's going to cave in....I think he likes the adrenaline rush. :)

AJ loves painting!

Mommy puts me in the bathtub to paint now... I wonder why that is?

Eating dinner

Mommy and I made a cake